
I’m Chan Ik Chris Jung but you can call me Chris. Once upon a time, I was a video specialist helping agencies navigate tumultuous sea of broadcasting.

I was part of amazing crew that devised solutions for all sorts of challenging technical issues in the name of commercialism.

I still love that part of myself, but I also wanted to experience an environment where I can learn to harness my creativity to create more positive impact on people.

That is why I jumped ship to IxD at Sheridan College to learn and grow as a person who can design solutions that can resonate with people and make their lives little brighter than before.

Let's create something wonderful and fascinating together.

✦ Experience

UX Designer

Prep Doctors

March 2024 - Present

Oversaw design and development of internal website projects, ensuring brand value and guidelines were maintained. Introduced design thinking and UX principles as part of the innovation team to support rapid organizational growth.

UX Designer Associate Intern

Online Business Systems

May 2023 - August 2023

Streamlined internal workflow for a major entertainment client. Created design thinking advocacy card to elevate internal UX maturity.


Hackademics Club

May 2021 - April 2023

Contributed design skills to create a unique visual identity for annual Hackville event. Hackville 2023, a part of MLH 2023 season, was attended by over 100 hackers.

Research Assistant

Sheridan College

September - December 2022

Designed evaluation prototype for human trafficking awareness among young children.

UX Designer

Skill Squirrel

May - August 2022

Collaborated with design team and the founder to craft interactive walkthrough experience for prospective clients.

Video Specialist

Extreme Reach

March 2010 - August 2020

Worked with internal and external teams to problem solve and evaluate time sensitive video contents. Provided consultation to optimize workflows to maintain quality and consistency.

✦ Awards

Hack the Valley 7

Best Nature Hack

Hack the 6ix 2021

Scotiabank: Best FinTech hack for young women

Adobe Creative Jam 2021

2nd place - College Presentation Party Jam

✦ Certifications

TCPS 2: CORE Certificate in Research Ethics

See credential