
I’m Chan Ik Chris Jung but you can call me Chris. Once upon a time, I was a video specialist helping agencies navigate tumultuous sea of broadcasting.

I was part of amazing crew that devised solutions for all sorts of challenging technical issues in the name of commercialism.

I still love that part of myself, but I also wanted to experience an environment where I can learn to harness my creativity to create more positive impact on people.

That is why I jumped ship to IxD at Sheridan College to learn and grow as a person who can design solutions that can resonate with people and make their lives little brighter than before.

Let's create something wonderful and fascinating together.

✦ Experience

UX Designer

Prep Doctors

March 2024 - Present

Part of an internal startup introducing design thinking and UX principles to a rapidly expanding organization.

UX Designer Associate Intern

Online Business Systems

May 2023 - August 2023

Streamlined internal workflow for a major entertainment client. Created design thinking advocacy card to elevate internal UX maturity.


Hackademics Club

May 2021 - April 2023

Contributed design skills to create a unique visual identity for annual Hackville event. Hackville 2023, a part of MLH 2023 season, was attended by over 100 hackers.

Research Assistant

Sheridan College

September - December 2022

Designed evaluation prototype for human trafficking awareness among young children.

UX Designer

Skill Squirrel

May - August 2022

Collaborated with design team and the founder to craft interactive walkthrough experience for prospective clients.

Video Specialist

Extreme Reach

March 2010 - August 2020

Worked with internal and external teams to problem solve and evaluate time sensitive video contents. Provided consultation to optimize workflows to maintain quality and consistency.

✦ Awards

Hack the Valley 7

Best Nature Hack

Hack the 6ix 2021

Scotiabank: Best FinTech hack for young women

Adobe Creative Jam 2021

2nd place - College Presentation Party Jam

✦ Certifications

TCPS 2: CORE Certificate in Research Ethics

See credential